Darlington Free Clinic honors founders

Roses honoring Lincoln Privette. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Darlington County Coroner J. Todd Hardee, a former student of Mrs. Cora Taylor and friend to the Matthews. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Mrs. Cora Taylor (at podium) hold plaque and speaks to crowd as Jane Early looks on. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

(L-R): Jane Early, Nancy Matthews, Molly Matthews and Mark Matthews. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

(L-R): Mrs. Cora Taylor, Nancy Matthews, Molly Matthews and Mark Matthews. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

By Stephan Drew, Editor


On Thursday, June 27th, Mercy Medical/Darlington Free Medical Clinic honored those hardworking individuals who founded the clinic nearly 30 years ago. The event, which took place at the Grand Old Post Office on Pearl Street, was filled with a multitude of emotions. Laughter, tears and a feeling of love, affection and respect permeated the room the entire evening. 

The crowd was gathered to honor Mrs. Cora Taylor, Dr. Josiah “Joe” Matthews and Ruthie Matthews for their lifelong efforts to improve healthcare for the poor and uninsured in this area. Each of those recognized have devoted their entire lives to helping others, oftentimes at their own financial loss. Lincoln Privette, who recently passed away, was also recognized for his many years of hard work to improve Darlington County. J. Todd Hardee, Darlington County Coroner, announced that the roses on display were taken from Mr. Privette’s coffin spray so his spirit would be present at the gathering. Dr. Olin Whitener was recognized for his important contributions to the healthcare of our community.

Representatives of the clinic opened the meeting before introducing the first speaker, J. Todd Hardee, Darlington County Coroner.

Hardee regaled the audience at length with uproariously funny tales of Mrs. Taylor’s classroom exploits. He also shared some tender moments which elicited tears from some audience members. Recalling a Bible verse from a bookmark given to him by Mrs. Taylor, Hardee stated, “Miss Cora, I know without a doubt, when you enter Heaven, you’ll hear God say, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

Tamika Allen, a former patient of the clinic, told her story, describing how the clinic helped her at her lowest point, not judging her or hesitant in any way. She went on to describe how the clinic not only gave her minor medical care, they arranged for extensive dental procedures and paid the entire bill. Her testimony was truly an inspiration to others.

Jane Early presented Mrs. Taylor with the plaque after which, Mrs. Taylor told the audience, “Everything I’ve ever done in my life was done for the Glory of My Lord and Savior.”

Early recounted numerous contributions to Darlington County healthcare by Dr. and Mrs. Matthews, reminding attendees of the depth of their devotion to the people and the state of healthcare. The Matthews’ daughter-in-law, Nancy Matthews, told the crowd how Dr. Matthews had traveled with his grandfather (who was also a doctor), learning medicine and human compassion at a very early age. Hardee recounted several stories, one of which involved Dr. Matthews examining Hardee’s eye under the Produce lights in a local grocery store before removing the offending item at his medical practice. 

After the program began, a delicious chicken bog meal with all the “fixin’s” was enjoyed by everyone.

It truly was a night filled with emotion, respect and love.

Congratulations to all honorees! We salute you and we thank you for the decades of hard work, love and devotion you have spent to make this wonderful dream a reality!

Author: Stephan Drew

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