Bethlehem UMC holds Fall Festival, gives away food

On Saturday, November 19th, members of the Bethlehem United Methodist Church held their 1st Annual Fall Festival. Games, outdoor activities and a “bouncy house” were also available for the youngsters . CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Gardening implements and helpful tools for planting were also available at the Bethlehem UMC Fall Festival. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Bethleham United Methodist Church held their 1st Annual Fall Festival on Saturday, November 19th at the church, located at 2240 Bethlehem Road in Hartsville. Toys, arts and crafts and delicious treats were on sale to the public. Here is a selection of stuffed animals for the holidays. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Although the Food Bazaar was going on, Bethlehem United Methodist Church also collected food items to pack and distribute to the needy. Here, they are seen loading the boxes for delivery. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Author: Stephan Drew

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