Candidates’ Forum to be held Oct. 17

The six candidates for Darlington city council and the 3 candidates for mayor will be at the Grand Old Post Office on Tuesday, October 17 at 6pm for a candidates’ forum.  There is no charge, and the candidates will be asked the following questions:  

1. Please introduce yourself and explain why you have decided to run.  The time limit for this will be 2 minutes. 

2. The problems with the water and sewer system are at the forefront of most citizens’ concerns.  Many of the citizens of Darlington live on a fixed budget or at a low economic level. How do you propose dealing with our aging sewer system so that the town remains viable but our poorest citizens are treated fairly.  Time limit for this question is 3 minutes.  Candidates will be offered a 1 minute rebuttal time after all candidates have responded to the question. 

4. One minute will be allowed for each candidate to recap their points and summarize. 

A timekeeper will strictly monitor time. 

Other questions may be emailed to or texted to 843 615-8287.  They will be addressed as time allows. 

This event is sponsored by the Darlington County League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization which believes that a healthy democracy depends on an educated electorate.

Author: Stephan Drew

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