CareSouth pharmacist honored

CareSouth pharmacist Tammie Robinson, here shown assisting a customer, was recently given the Medication Therapy Management of the Year award. SUBMITTED PHOTO

CareSouth Carolina’s Tammie Robinson was named the Medication Therapy Management of the Year Award recipient at the 19th Annual S.C. Chronic Disease Prevention Symposium. Serving as the Clinical Pharmacist in CareSouth Carolina’s CSC Community Pharmacy in Hartsville, Robinson works with a diverse group of patients ranging in age, ethnicity and economic class. Robinson, who has worked at CareSouth Carolina for more than eight years, was named the award recipient for her effort to go above and beyond to come away with innovative solutions to improve the management of medications and chronic diseases. Robinson works collaboratively with providers and health care workers to ensure the best possible care is provided. Through the MTM program, she is able to take an in-depth look at patients’ prescriptions and help educate them on the importance of their medication. “The program helps fill in the education gap,” Robinson said. “A lot of the patients have chronic conditions, like hypertension, high cholesterol, asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure. They are on what we call ‘maintenance medications.’ I am able to go in, look at their prescriptions and help them understand the importance of taking that prescription to help treat that condition.” Robinson said she was honored and humbled to be named the award recipient.

Author: Stephan Drew

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