The lines of communication are open

The path to victory was never promised to be an easy one.

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Pastor, what is it that you’re running from?

Pastor, what is it that you’re running from?

A friend stopped me while I was running one day and asked me that question. I responded, “I don’t know. Why do you ask?”

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It matters whose hands it’s in

It matters whose hands it’s in

Who or what are you depending on?
Which basket do you have your eggs in?

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The eagle who believed he was a chicken

The eagle who believed he was a chicken

Once there was a young eaglet that accidentally fell from the safety of his nest high on the mountain.

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Darlington Presbyterian holds Vacation Bible School

Darlington Presbyterian holds Vacation Bible School

Darlington Presbyterian Church held its Vacation Bible School last week.

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Land of the free because of the brave

Land of the free because of the brave

Every summer we look forward to July 4 because it’s filled with fun things to do, like barbecuing, picnics, games, family gatherings, camping and fireworks.

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