DEVOTIONAL: Jesus’ Christmas gift: Chance for a new life

DEVOTIONAL: Jesus’ Christmas gift: Chance for a new life

It was a cold, blustery Christmas Eve. The wind was howling outside our bedroom windows.

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Open your Christmas gift from God

Open your Christmas gift from God

If you gave me a Christmas present and I never opened it, you would be disappointed in me.

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Desiring God more than anything else in the world

Desiring God more than anything else in the world

For those who ponder about the requirements for developing and maintaining a deeper relationship with God, we must include some vital components and one of the most critical is desire.

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Land of the free and the home of the brave

Land of the free and the home of the brave

As a chaplain for a veterans health care facility and an honor guard that recognizes military personnel, I’m devoted to respecting those who were willing to give their lives for our freedom and it’s truly a privilege to spend quality time with the many fine men and women of our nation’s armed forces.

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DEVOTIONAL: Be an overcomer; don’t be overtaken

DEVOTIONAL: Be an overcomer; don’t be overtaken

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus! In the midst of this crazy, chaotic world that we live in, we are desperate to understand and desire to know how to overcome and have peace in the midst of all the unrest around us.

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God has a wonderful plan for you

God has a wonderful plan for you

If we do not learn from our trials, then our distress has been a missed opportunity.

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