Hope and trust in God

Hope and trust in God

Hope is one of those dynamic words that deserves the title of catalyst when it comes to change.

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Becoming what Jesus died for us to become

Becoming what Jesus died for us to become

The idea of not being spiritually prepared to trust Christ because of a lack of interest is like being told that you have been scheduled to box a champion fighter this coming Friday night, even though you have no boxing experience and are in terrible physical condition.

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God has not given us a spirit of fear

God has not given us a spirit of fear

Soon after Jesus had resurrected, we find a beautiful passage found in John Chapter 20 that is a wonderful example of how much God loves us and wants to encourage us.

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God is near, and He is listening

God is near, and He is listening

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and he desires to spend quiet time with us.

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DEVOTIONAL: Do you have as much sense as God has given a goose?

DEVOTIONAL: Do you have as much sense as God has given a goose?

Scripture often points to things in nature as examples to give wisdom.

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DEVOTIONAL: Redeeming the time: Make the best of difficult circumstances

DEVOTIONAL: Redeeming the time: Make the best of difficult circumstances

Challenged and determined to end 2021 well! “Therefore, He says, ‘Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.’

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