S.C. Film Studio recruiting actors, extras for Pee Wee Gaskins movie

South Carolina Film Studio will begin pre-casting in the area, including Darlington, for their upcoming new move “Donald Gaskins (known as Pee Wee Gaskins)” beginning July 30, 2023.

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McNair recognized at State Capitol

Members of the South Carolina General Assembly recognized the Boys & Girls Club Youths of the Year with a Concurrent Resolution on Tuesday, May 9, in Columbia.

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FDTC honors graduates

FDTC honors graduates

Florence-Darlington Technical College (FDTC) honored its 606 graduates during the College’s commencement ceremony on Thursday, May 11th, at the Florence Center.

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CPRMC holds Stroke “Lunch & Learn”

CPRMC holds Stroke “Lunch & Learn”

On Thursday, May 11, 2023, Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center (CPRMC) hosted a Lunch & Learn to educate the public on the contributing factors of a stroke, healthy measures anyone may take to prevent a stroke and medical procedures used to treat one.

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Hartsville baseball season ends in playoff loss

When playoff baseball takes place, it is very important to not let the game get away from you.  Such was not the case at Jimmy White Park as the Greer Yellowjackets stung early and often against the host Red Foxes.

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Hartsville softball falls to Lugoff-Elgin

With a chance to play Region rival South Florence for a berth in the Lower State Championship, the Lady Red Foxes made the trip down I-20 to face a Lugoff-Elgin team that had defeated them earlier in the playoffs by an 11-1 score.

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