Coalition introduces FindHelp

The Darlington County Deincarcerating Status Offenders (DSO) Stakeholder Coalition conducted a meeting this morning at the Matthew and King Education Center, 115B Exchange Street in Darlington. The group’s mission is to focus on decreasing the truancy and incarceration of our youth, helping them to find more positive outlets for their energy. Today’s speaker was Brittany Crowley, Community Relations Coordinator at Children’s Trust of South Carolina, who gave a presentation on the FindHelp program, a computer platform aimed at helping those within the community to find the resources and assistance they so desperately need.
Pictured here (in front): Mary Benjamin (Community Liaison with New Vision Community Development Corp.), Patsy Sawyer (Chief Operating Officer of the Darlington Community Foundation). (Back Row): Roneka Benjamin (Exec. Dir. of Girl I Got You), Wayne Brown (Exec. Dir. of New Vision), Deputy Brianna Zimmerman (Darlington County Sheriff’s Office), Jessica Cohen (Chief Strategist of Sparso Co.), Stephen Scoff (Juvenile Justice Program Mgr., S.C. Children’s Law Center), Molly Bloom (Research Associate, S.C. Children’s Law Center), Tanya Dixon (Juvenile Justice Program Coordinator, S.C. Children’s Law Center), Brittany Crowley (Community Relations Coordinator, Children’s Trust of S.C.), Joyce Coe Everett (Community Outreach with Darlington County Sheriff’s Office), Jordyn Jefferson (Public Relations, Darlington County Sheriff’s Office), Robinesha Stucks (Victims Advocate, Darlington County Sheriff’s Office). PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

By Stephan Drew, Editor

On Wednesday, July 26, 2023, a very important community meeting took place at the Matthew and King Education Center in Darlington County, South Carolina. The Darlington County Deincarcerating Status Offenders (DSO) Stakeholder Coalition, a dedicated group with a mission to reduce truancy and incarceration among youth, gathered to explore innovative approaches in positively impacting the lives of young individuals. The focal point of the meeting was the insightful presentation by Brittany Crowley, Community Relations Coordinator at Children’s Trust of South Carolina, who introduced the audience to FindHelp – a revolutionary computer platform aimed at connecting communities to much-needed resources and assistance.

The DSO Stakeholder Coalition was formed with a noble purpose – to address the critical issue of youth truancy and incarceration in Darlington County. Recognizing that many youth lack proper guidance and opportunities to channel their energies into constructive outlets, the coalition aims to provide them with the support they need to lead fulfilling lives and stay away from the juvenile justice system.

During the meeting, Brittany Crowley took center stage to introduce the audience to FindHelp, a transformative computer platform that has been gaining widespread recognition for its impact on communities across the nation. As the Community Relations Coordinator at Children’s Trust of South Carolina, Crowley had firsthand experience with FindHelp and was eager to share its potential to effect positive change.

At its core, FindHelp acts as a bridge connecting individuals in need with the vital resources and assistance they require. Through a seamless integration with care management and electronic health record systems, FindHelp simplifies the process of referring people to local resources and programs. This integration ensures that social care becomes an inherent part of existing workflows, streamlining the process of helping those within the community.

One of the most impressive aspects of FindHelp is its extensive reach and impact. Approximately 6,000 of the largest health systems, government municipalities, educational institutions, and cause organizations have already embraced FindHelp’s network to address social determinants of health. This vast network allows FindHelp to have a deep and meaningful influence on communities and individuals across various sectors.

FindHelp’s versatility lies in its configurability. This innovative platform can be customized to suit the unique needs of diverse industries, including healthcare, education, and social services. By tailoring the solution to specific customer requirements, FindHelp ensures that social care can be seamlessly integrated into the lives of patients, members, students, constituents, and communities.

For the DSO Stakeholder Coalition, FindHelp represents an invaluable tool in their mission to empower youth and reduce truancy and incarceration rates. By tapping into the platform’s capabilities, the coalition can offer personalized assistance to at-risk youth, connecting them with resources that address their individual challenges.

Beyond the initial connection to resources, FindHelp also facilitates outcome tracking, enabling the clients to monitor trends in assistance and the success of each different area of help. This feature helps to continuously improve their strategies and focus on programs that yield the most significant positive impact.

Furthermore, FindHelp’s ability to measure the needs of the community provides valuable insights into prevalent issues. Armed with this data, the clients can work with stakeholders, policymakers, and local authorities to address systemic challenges and advocate for change.

The meeting on July 26th, marked a pivotal moment in the quest to transform the lives of young individuals facing truancy and incarceration. Thanks to Brittany Crowley’s illuminating presentation on FindHelp, the DSO Stakeholder Coalition now has another powerful tool at its disposal to connect youths and their families with essential resources, foster positive change, and promote a brighter future for the community.

Author: Stephan Drew

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