County Council approves pay raises, passes ordinances

By Stephan Drew, Editor

The Darlington County Council held its regular meeting on Monday, June 5, 2023, to discuss important matters and address the concerns of the community. One of the main topics discussed during the meeting was the issue of speeding vehicles and motorcycles on Dovesville Highway. Carol Larts, a concerned citizen, took the opportunity to voice her concerns to the council.

Larts expressed her worry about the increasing number of vehicles and motorcycles that were exceeding the speed limits on Dovesville Highway. She highlighted the potential dangers this posed to both pedestrians and drivers in the area. Larts urged the council to take immediate action to address this issue, such as implementing traffic calming measures or increasing enforcement in the area.

In addition to addressing the concerns of the community, the council also moved forward with several important ordinances. They held the Second Reading of Ordinance 23-03, which aimed to allow appropriations for county purposes for the upcoming Fiscal Year starting on July 1, 2023. This ordinance would enable the council to allocate funds for various projects and initiatives that would benefit the county as a whole.

Another ordinance discussed during the meeting was Ordinance 23-04. This ordinance designated the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Planning Agency and authorized appropriations for its functioning. The council recognized the importance of addressing substance abuse issues within the county and took steps to provide the necessary resources for the agency to carry out its crucial work.

Furthermore, the council conducted First Readings of several ordinances related to solar power. Ordinances 23-05, 23-06, 23-07, 23-08, and 23-09 authorized fee agreements between Darlington County and various solar power suppliers. This demonstrated the council’s commitment to promoting renewable energy sources and exploring sustainable solutions for the county’s power needs.

In an effort to enhance emergency services and support the local animal shelter, the council also held the First Reading of Ordinance 23-10. This ordinance proposed an increase in the Emergency Services Vehicle Fee, a raise in the rate for Mileage Reimbursement, and the inclusion of Animal Shelter fees. These adjustments would contribute to improving emergency response capabilities and ensuring the welfare of animals in need.

In other business, council approved a bid award for remount of two ambulances and the purchase of two Caterpillar Backhoes. Council also approved pay upgrades for county employees to bring them up to a Minimum Wage Level, including $2,500 pay increase for all employees making less than $50,000/year as well as a 5% increase for those making $50,000 or more.

The Darlington County Council meeting was a productive session focused on addressing community concerns, allocating resources, and promoting sustainability. The next regular meeting of the Darlington County Council is scheduled for July 3, 2023 but, a Special Meeting is planned for June 19, 2023.

Author: Stephan Drew

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