CPRMC holds Lunch & Learn on arthritis treatments



By Stephan Drew, Editor


On Thursday, August 10, 2023, Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center hosted a very informative Lunch & Learn session that delved into the realm of arthritis and its treatment options, including the revolutionary field of robotic-assisted surgery. The presentation was made by Dr. Barry L. Clark, D.O., who shared invaluable insights on arthritis, its types, causes, treatments, and the innovative ROSA (RObotic Surgical Assistant) procedures.

Arthritis, a common condition affecting a substantial portion of the population, was the focal point of the presentation. Dr. Clark began by introducing the audience to the three main types of arthritis: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Post-Traumatic Arthritis. With a warm and approachable demeanor, he managed to make the complex subject matter accessible to everyone in attendance.

Dr. Clark’s discussion was not just an overview of arthritis but a comprehensive journey into the mechanics of the knee joint, which is a common area affected by this condition. He elucidated the intricate workings of the knee, shedding light on how the joint operates and the potential vulnerabilities that lead to arthritis. This anatomical insight provided a solid foundation for the subsequent discussions on causes, treatments, and surgical interventions.

One of the striking points made during the presentation was the statistic that 1 in 3 American adults suffer from some form of arthritis. This staggering prevalence underscored the importance of understanding the condition and seeking effective solutions. Dr. Clark didn’t stop at providing statistics – he dove into the specifics, including subtypes like Varus and Valgus knee arthritis, which can have a profound impact on patients’ lives.

The “I advise, you decide” motto that Dr. Clark lives by was evident throughout the presentation. Rather than dictating a particular path, he empowered the audience with knowledge, allowing them to make informed decisions about their healthcare. This approach resonated strongly, fostering an atmosphere of collaboration between the medical professional and the patient.

One of the most fascinating segments of the presentation revolved around the cutting-edge ROSA (RObotic Surgical Assistant) procedures for the knee. Dr. Clark highlighted the revolutionary role of robotics in enhancing surgical precision and patient outcomes. He elucidated how ROSA procedures have transformed the landscape of knee surgery, making it a safer and more effective option for many patients. While this may seem to some that a robot will do the work, Dr. Clark explained that the surgeon is always in complete control, monitoring every single move throughout the entire procedure, making adjustments if necessary. Importantly, he underscored that ROSA surgery is covered by Medicaid, Medicare, and most insurance plans, making it accessible to a wider range of individuals seeking relief from arthritis-related knee issues.

The event was not only informative but also interactive, as attendees eagerly posed questions to Dr. Clark, resulting in lively discussions. His ability to explain complex medical concepts in simple terms and his willingness to engage with the audience left a lasting impression.

Author: Stephan Drew

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