Darlington County veterans enjoy cookout, fellowship at American Legion Post 13

The Darlington County Veterans Affairs Office honored local vets last Friday, May 26, with a free hot dog lunch served at the American Legion Post 13. Guests enjoyed food and treats while they caught up with old friends and enjoyed the company of other retired military personnel.

(Left to right) Rev. Eddie Thomas, Senator Gerald Malloy, Larry Frazier, and Jim Blue
Photos by Samantha Lyles

“The idea is to give veterans the opportunity to come together, with no pressure, and have a good time and reminisce,” said Darlington County Veterans Services officer Elve Williams. “There’s a lot of closure and a lot of therapy when they come and share amongst themselves.”

Guests also registered for raffle prizes, including a brilliant new American flag donated by S.C. Senator Gerald Malloy.

“I want to thank all these men and women who’ve served, who’ve fought to give us the rights and privileges we enjoy as Americans. To come here and have brotherhood with these gentlemen just shows appreciation for what they have done,” said Sen. Malloy.

Marine Corps veteran Rev. Eddie Thomas brought two cases of green light bulbs to give away, so all in attendance could display the green light in a window or on their porch during vet-related holidays. Thomas’s charity – Good Samaritans – provides help and services to veterans (and civilians) in ten South Carolina counties.

To learn more about Good Samaritans, call (803) 428-4448. For Darlington County Veterans Affairs, call (843) 398-4130.

Author: mrollins

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