Darlington native discusses latest book

For readers with the ability to learn from the past, “Carolina Rail Road Town” covers the most dangerous half-century in US history. It can also clarify our nation’s situation today. Beverly Spears will review her latest book, Carolina Rail Road Town, on Friday, April 28, 2023, at noon at Trinity United Methodist Church, 196 Pearl Street in Darlington.

From author M B Spears: “Carolina Rail Road Town is a big story lived by Americans as real as you and me, Americans who went to war on new roads made of rails, speeding toward violence.  Rather than using wisely the 3-branch, 2-party form of government which made (and even yet has the power to make) our nation unique in stability, Americans killed Americans over tariffs, international trade, and race. Next, those same Americans (but not the President; he was murdered, remember?) spent decades giving each other more reasons to hate each other. Finally, they put our nation back together. They were able to reunite because they could rely on strengths we in the 21 st century may have thrown away.”

M B Spears – locally known as Beverly – has five books on Amazon Books, including “UNSOLVED: A Murder in the Solid South”. Several are in Kindle. She’s been invited to present her latest in the community room or fellowship hall at Trinity United Methodist Church in Darlington this Friday, April 28th at noon. Enter from the parking lot, please, and prepare to think hard!

If you would like to be included in the lunch, a choice of several soups and cornbreads, please contact Linda Beckham at 843 615-8287 or lindagremillion@gmail.com.  Everyone is welcome and lunch is optional.

Author: Stephan Drew

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