Darlington proclaims Ben Williamson Day

June 24, 2023, was proclaimed Williamson Day, in honor of Ben Williamson and the many significant contributions he has made to Darlington County and the residents of the community. A large crowd gathered at Williamson Park (named after Mr. Williamson) on that day, to celebrate the proclamation. Rev. Deacon Frank Soda delivered the invocation and Darlington Mayor Curtis Boyd gave his remarks before all were provided an opportunity to give thanks and share stories. Light refreshments were served. Isabel Smith, Rosanne Brasington, Brigette Lawson and Merry Morgan Smith provided the food and flowers. A large number of Mr. Williamson’s family attended, as well as many from the community. PICTURED HERE: Darlington Mayor Curtis Boyd (at right) reads the proclamation to those assembled. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Mayor Curtis Boyd stands with Williamson during the event.

The proclamation, which was read by the Mayor during the service.

Author: Stephan Drew

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