Darlington streets slated for $380K paving work

By Bobby Bryant Editor


About 17 battered streets in the city of Darlington will get some help, as City Council endorsed contracts setting up about $380,000 worth of paving work on those roads. Meeting Nov. 10, City Council split the work between two companies, Evans Pavement of Florence and Industrial Paving of Darlington. Work should begin within the next several weeks, said city spokeswoman Lisa Chalian-Rock. City streets slated to get help are: Richmond Street ($44,000) Country Club Drive ($87,000) Green Drive ($25,000) Tee Circle ($17,000) Bowen Street ($34,000) Darlington Street ($4,500) Haynesworth Alley ($29,000) ‘Terrell Street ($7,500) Ward Street ($13,000) Dutton Lane ($10,000) Elma Circle ($9,000) Court Street ($5,000) Joy and McInnis streets ($3,000) Henry Street ($21,000) Lochend Drive ($57,000) Roanoke Drive (Amount unclear) Bonaparte Drive ($9,000) The work will be financed by a general-obligation bond issued by the city, Rock said.

Author: Stephan Drew

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