DEVOTIONAL: Beating around the bush: Exodus 3:1-15

By Pastor Don Squires,

Temple Free Will Baptist Church, Darlington

Are you paying attention to the “burning bushes” that God places in your life? They’re God’s way of tapping us on the shoulder so that we “take notice” and listen to what He says. Moses received a message from God. Have you ever received an important message? Answering machine, voicemail, text or e-mail; we’re smothered by messages today. Most are not really that important. But … A missed message could mean a loss of business; it could cause confusion about where and when to meet someone. A missed message could result in a great loss. Sometimes it’s a blessing to miss messages. LOL! But you never, ever want to miss a message from God. A missed message from God is a missed blessing. I’m convinced that God often gives “His people” messages of instruction and revelation. To equip and to encourage us to do His will and to walk in His ways. Today’s scripture is about a message from God to the man named Moses. Try to imagine yourself in Moses’ place. We find him on a hillside, in the backside of the desert, on another hot summer day. Maybe daydreaming about his past life of ease back in Egypt, while he’s watching over his father-in-law’s stinky, stubborn sheep. Suddenly a bush in front of him catches on fire. The bush is a raging flame but it’s not burning up … it just keeps burning. As he looks into the fire and moves closer toward it … he hears a voice from the bush and it’s calling his name, saying, Moses … Moses! Imagine his thoughts. He’s staring at a bush that’s on fire and it’s talking to him. What would you do? Moses did about the only thing he could do besides take off running. He said, “Here I am.” (Vs. 4) I wonder if Moses gave any thought to the consequences of him staying to check out that talking, burning bush. If Moses had really thought about it, he probably would have put as much distance as possible between him and that bush. That’s probably what I would have done. But Moses stopped and listened. Have you ever received a message from someone that changed your normal routine of life? Out of the ordinary. A call, an event, an encounter that took you out of your comfort zone. Grabbed your attention. In Vs. 5, as Moses moves even closer, the voice commands him to stop. Don’t come any closer. Take off your shoes. The place you are standing is Holy Ground. Then the voice from the bush introduces Himself … (Vs. 6): “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Notice the response of Moses — reverence, respect and fear. Moses doesn’t realize at this time but the burning bush was symbolic. The bush represented Israel, and the fire was the persecution and oppression that they were going through. In spite of overwhelming persecution, they were not destroyed they were not consumed. The message was regardless of what the nation of Israel had done, God was and will always be in the midst of His people`s affliction. God never left them! Just like He’s with us today in the midst of our afflictions. Then God said to Moses, in Vs. 10, “Come … I’m going to send you to Pharaoh to bring my people out of Egypt.” Well, in the very next verse, Moses begins to offer up excuses as to why he can’t do what’s being asked of him. He’s a very busy shepherd. I can see him now as he unrolls his papyrus pad (iPad) and says, “Just a minute, Lord, I need to check my schedule. Nope, can’t do it, I’m busy that day. “I’ve got a 10 o’clock meeting with my father-in-law Jethro to discuss new grazing techniques. At noon I have a sheep-shearing appointment. At 2 o’clock I’m getting my staff aligned and balanced. And later that night I have to count the sheep before bedtime. I’d also like to remind you that I’m just a shepherd.” (Vs. 11): “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Moses asks God, “Who am I?” Earlier in this story Moses said, “I am here — here I am.” God turns the weak question of “Who am I?” from Moses into a powerful statement describing who He is: “I AM WHO I AM. Tell them I Am … has sent you.” (Vs. 14) Moses looks at his schedule again … and it’s blank. Not only has his schedule changed, his entire life is about to change forever. Through his obedience and the power of God, Moses leads an estimated 2 million people out of Egyptian slavery and toward the land promised to God’s people while facing life-threatening obstacles on a daily basis. So …what’s God’s message for you today? What message can we learn from this encounter that Moses had with God thousands of years ago at the burning bush? 1. No matter what God has called you to do or endure, trust in Him and do it! God told Moses, “I will be with you.” (Vs. 12) Whatever we lack (need), God will supply. (Psalm 23) It doesn’t matter what God has called us to do or go through. You can do it if you trust in His word, strength and provision. Whether it’s moving to a new city, starting a new job, facing a serious illness, called to the ministry or standing at the door of death. It may be a special moment that you experience the very presence of God speaking into your soul. It doesn’t matter. Whatever God has called you to. He will see you through. He assures you as He assured Moses, “Whatever you lack, I will supply.” “I will be with you all the way.” When you say, “Who am I?” the Lord God says, “I am.” 2. Pay attention to the burning bush in your life. Are you paying attention to the “burning bushes” that God is placing in your life? Often we’re running along doing our own thing and not recognizing Him and His work in our life. When we continually take Him for granted, sometimes He will allow drastic things to happen to get our attention. It’s God’s way of tapping us on the shoulder and making us “take notice” and listen to what He has to say. These are really opportunities to move closer to God, to experience His presence in our life. A burning bush can come in a variety of signs: An accident or illness, being laid off or losing your job, death of a loved one or a brush with death yourself, a major move of the Holy Spirit in your life, the miracle of childbirth — so many things that He uses. God will use whatever it takes to get your attention, even a scraggly, dried up, old bush. There wasn’t anything special about that bush but God used it. If God wants to get your attention, if He wants you to wake up, if He wants you to get out of the rut, if He wants you to leave the path you’re stuck on, any old bush will do. And like Moses, we’d better have our eyes and ears open. Notice your burning bush. He’s sending you a message. Think of how many burning bushes that you’ve been confronted with in your life — how did you react? We need a childlike Faith. I’ve witnessed many burning bushes over the years. And each one of them has helped me grow closer to the Lord, to be a better Christian, the preacher God has called me to be. Each one has helped me to trust Him more, His provision. We must keep our spiritual ears and eyes open. You don’t want to miss your burning bush (message). Ask God this morning to help you notice more than ever His direction and will for your life. (The Burning Bushes.) Ask Him to help you trust more, trust His word, trust His ways, trust His will. Don’t miss the message this morning. He’s trying to get your attention! Will you choose today to be on fire for the Lord or just continue to Beat Around the Bush?

Author: Stephan Drew

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