Trinity Collegiate School announces that the following Board of Trustees Members have served their time on the Board. Brian Bagwell, Tara Jeffords, Chris Scott, Jamie Smith, Marvin Sto. Domingo and Octavia Williams-Blake. All were awarded plaques to display their excellence in support and devotion to Trinity Collegiate School.
“Trinity Collegiate School will be forever grateful for the members of the board and would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of our retiring members for their years of service” Hoffman said. Trinity Collegiate School will welcome its new board members on August 14, 2023 “ PICTURED HERE (Left to right): Chris Scott , Octavia Williams – Blake, Jamie Smith, and Ed Hoffman (Head of School). NOT PICTURED: Tara Jeffords, Brian Bagwell and Marvin Sto. Domingo. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

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