FEMA discusses safety measures for school-aged children

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, notes that it’s important for parents of school-aged youngsters to familiarize themselves with the emergency response plans established by their children’s schools. Such plans typically include how the school will respond if school is in session during snowstorms or natural disasters, as well as the protocol surrounding lockdown situations where children may be in danger. In such situations, knowledgeable parents who are familiar with emergency response plans and how to communicate with school officials and how those officials will disseminate information to concerned parents can help first responders and educators focus on their responses, which may involve protecting children. Knowledge of these plans also can calm parents’ nerves and reduce the likelihood that school campuses will become chaotic in the wake of potentially dangerous situations, including storms or natural disasters. In addition to learning about schools’ emergency response plans, parents can discuss these plans with their children. Such discussions should emphasize the importance of following educators’ instructions during both practice drills and when the plans are implemented in response to disasters or other threats.

Author: Stephan Drew

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