Freshman band camp at Darlington High School

Despite the scorching summer heat, over a hundred students turned out for the freshman band camp at Darlington High School last week. Band Director Brendan Johnson said that the camp has grown a lot over the last few years and he hopes to hit the 200-member mark soon.

Like many arts related programs, Johnson said that DHS is dealing with the ‘good issue’ of having more band members than instruments. He said that some funding is available for new instruments but that they may have to wait on some of the larger, more expensive instruments. Johnson said that grades are important when it comes to being a member of the band.

“You can’t march unless you’ve passed all your classes for the year,” Johnson said. “If you failed one, you have to go to summer school.”

The Darlington High School Marching Band hosted its inaugural showcase last April, featuring four marching bands from the region.

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Author: mrollins

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