Grand Old Post Office hosts Buddy Johnson tribute band

Performers of the Buddy Johnson Tribute Band. PHOTO BY PHILIP BAUGH

Guest enjoy and dance to the music from Saturday nights event. PHOTO BY PHILIP BAUGH

The Grand Old Post Office Foundation is thank full for the turn out of guests and performers for Saturdays “Buddy Johnson Tribute Orchestra”!
The Buddy Johnson Tribute was our event to honor the lasting impact of our Darlington heroes Buddy and Ella Johnson. Buddy (Woodrow Wilson) Johnson graduated Mayo High School in 1934. He was a renowned Pianist, composer, and orchestra leader. Along with his sister, Ella, the Buddy Johnson Orchestra performed across the US and Europe.
The Grand Old Post Office Foundation is proud to have engaged a new audience that brought life to the venue. The venue was full and the night came to life thanks to the performers, staff, catering, and overwheling support of the community. Thank you, and we look forward to our next event, Jennings and keller, and pianist David Shenton! Paid Adv.

Author: Stephan Drew

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