Grassroots Tour proves exciting, informative

Bob Morgan, of the SC Chamber of Commerce, speaks to the crowd at the SC Grassroots Tour, held at the Darlington Raceway’s Media Center. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

By Stephan Drew, Editor

On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, the Darlington Raceway’s Infield Media Center buzzed with excitement as the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce and presenting sponsor Blue Cross/Blue Shield, hosted the SC Grassroots Tour. The event aimed to define and advocate for a pro-business atmosphere in the South Carolina State House, shedding light on critical economic and legislative issues facing the state.

The event commenced with a warm welcome from Brook Sylvester, President of the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce, who set the tone for the day’s discussions. Darlington Mayor Curtis Boyd also addressed the attendees, emphasizing the importance of progress in attracting businesses to a town. He noted, “A business won’t come into a town where no progress is happening.”

Bob Morgan of the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce took the stage to deliver a comprehensive presentation. One of the central topics was South Carolina’s unemployment rate, which currently stands at an impressive 3%. It was highlighted that the state offers more extended unemployment benefits compared to many others, reflecting its commitment to supporting residents during challenging times.

South Carolina’s remarkable growth was another focal point. In 2022, the state emerged as the third fastest-growing state in the United States, witnessing record capital investment of $10.2 billion and the creation of 14,800 new jobs. The state’s competitive gas tax rate, at just $0.28 per gallon, also came under discussion, emphasizing its affordability compared to many other states.

However, the highlight of the event was an interactive electronic test that engaged participants in a series of thought-provoking questions regarding business, education, and community needs. The consensus among attendees was clear: education emerged as a top priority for South Carolina’s future prosperity.

Electric vehicles (EVs) were another significant topic, with concerns raised about the $120 fee imposed every two years on EV owners for highway use. It was noted that the additional weight of EVs can lead to faster road surface damage compared to traditional fossil fuel vehicles.

The SC Grassroots Tour provided a platform for constructive dialogue and advocacy, highlighting the importance of education, economic growth, and responsible policy-making in ensuring South Carolina’s continued success. With the support of organizations like the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce and the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, the state is poised to address these challenges and continue its upward trajectory.

Author: Stephan Drew

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