Hartsville City Council proclaims Juneteenth, renames airport terminal

Hartsville resident Dan Askins makes a plea for racial unity to council and those in attendance. “Everybody loves food,” Askins said, “why not use food to bring people together.” Askins suggested putting food vendors at Byerly Park during events. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

By Stephan Drew, Editor


Hartsville’s City Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 2023, proved to be a significant event filled with proclamations, resolutions and decisions. The meeting, held at City Hall, was attended by numerous residents and local officials eager to discuss and address various issues concerning the city. Mayor Casey Hancock presented a Juneteenth Proclamation to Barbara Carraway, Aldena Graham (former Council member), and Bishop J.D. Blue. The proclamation acknowledged the historical significance of Juneteenth, commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States. This act emphasized the city’s commitment to inclusivity and celebrating diversity.

Continuing the spirit of awareness, Mayor Hancock also proclaimed June as Men’s Health Awareness Month. Recognizing the importance of promoting men’s health, the proclamation aimed to raise awareness about preventable health issues and encourage proactive measures. As part of this initiative, it was announced that Men’s Health Screenings would be conducted at Pride Park on July 9, 2023. This event would provide an opportunity for men in the community to prioritize their well-being and access essential healthcare services.

During the public comment period, Marie Conrad of Hillcrest Road expressed her concerns about safety hazards caused by large vehicles and dump trucks speeding through her neighborhood. Conrad urged the council to address this issue promptly to ensure the well-being of residents. Her passionate plea resonated with many community members who shared similar concerns about traffic safety.

Another resident, Dan Askins, approached the council to propose an initiative aimed at fostering unity and inclusivity within the community. Askins suggested bringing together people from different racial backgrounds and incorporating food vendors at Byerly Park. His idea was met with enthusiasm and received support from many attendees who recognized the importance of promoting diversity and cultural exchange.

Patricia Wingate of Logan Avenue took the opportunity to address the council regarding the improvement of water and sewer lines in the city. Wingate highlighted the urgent need for infrastructure upgrades to ensure the delivery of safe and reliable services to residents. Her remarks shed light on the necessity of investing in essential utilities for the well-being of the community.

Several ordinances and resolutions were also discussed and approved during the meeting. Council members passed Ordinance 4452, which authorized the leasing of a portion of the alleyway at 120 South Fifth Street from the Trust Company. The City needs thru-way access to this area. This decision demonstrated the council’s commitment to fostering economic development and utilizing available resources effectively.

Ordinance 4453, which amended the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year Budget, was also approved. The council recognized the importance of periodically reviewing and adjusting the budget to accommodate changing needs and priorities within the community.

Additionally, the council approved Ordinance 4454, amending the water and sewer rate structure for the next five years. This decision aimed to ensure fair and sustainable pricing for essential utilities while considering the financial well-being of residents.

Several resolutions were also passed during the meeting. Resolution 06-23-02 authorized a collaborative agreement between the City of Hartsville and the Pee Dee Regional Transportation Authority (PDRTA). This partnership would facilitate improved transportation services, benefiting both residents and visitors alike.

Furthermore, Resolution 06-23-06 was approved, naming the Hartsville Regional Airport Terminal Building in honor of South Carolina Senator Gerald Malloy. This recognition paid tribute to Senator Malloy’s dedication to public service and his significant contributions to the community.

The next City Council meeting will take place on July 11, 2023. 

Author: Stephan Drew

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