Hartsville High School students sign to play college sports

Seven Hartsville High athletes signed with colleges last week. Jonathan Flemister will join Claflin University’s track and field team. PHOTO BY BOBBY BRYANT

Kindan Dawson will play basketball for Spartanburg Methodist College. PHOTO BY BOBBY BRYANT

Olivia Martin will play softball for Winthrop University. PHOTO BY BOBBY BRYANT

Multiple state wrestling champion Logan Berger will join the wrestling team at Chadron State College. PHOTO BY BOBBY BRYANT

Tristan Wilson will join The Citadel’s track and field team. PHOTO BY BOBBY BRYANT

Blake Weatherford will play golf for Coker University. PHOTO BY BOBBY BRYANT

Zykee Knox will play basketball for Francis Marion University. PHOTO BY BOBBY BRYANT

Author: Stephan Drew

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