Heroes for Health golf tournament held at Country Club

Stephen Edwards, Executive Director of the Free Medical Clinic of Darlington County, teeing off. ALL PHOTOS BY DAWSON JORDAN.

Krissy and Roddy Huntley.

Second place winners, Billy Morris, Steve Matthews, Freddie Gamble, Hal Parish with Genesis Healthcare and Stephen Edwards

Fahrenheit 225’s team, Trey Calcutt, Pete Dennis, Ron Calcutt, and Jamie Stanley with Stephen Edwards for third place

One of Saturday morning’s teams on the green

Charles Bailey after a successful hit.

On Sept. 30, the Free Medical Clinic of Darlington County hosted its third annual Heroes for Health golf tournament at the Darlington Country Club. All funds from the tournament allow the Free Medical Clinic of Darlington County to continue offering free medical care to those who qualify. The tournament was originally scheduled for the previous week, but due to rain, it was rescheduled a week later. Due to the great turnout of both business and individual teams, the event had a morning and afternoon round. The grand first place winners went to Delta Building Systems with Will Waldrup, Keith Young, Jamie Weber and Keith Fields. Second place went to the Genesis Healthcare team composed of Hal Parish, Steve Mathews, Freddy Gamble and Billy Morris. Third place was won by Ron and Trey Calcutt, Pete Dennis and Jamie Stanley with Fahrenheit 225. Joseph Stevens won “Closest to the Line” and Skylar Davis won “Closest to the Pin.” – DAWSON JORDAN

Author: Stephan Drew

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