Hunter Thomas: A life of resilience and passion for racing

Hunter Thomas (right) serves as a guest analyst on Darlington Race Day alongside former WMBF News Sports Director, Joe Murano. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Hunter Thomas takes photos during Darlington Raceway’s 2023 Mother’s Day weekend. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

By Stephan Drew, Editor

At the young age of 33, Hunter Thomas has already faced more challenges than many people do in a lifetime. Born with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) and Tetralogy of Fallot, Hunter’s journey has been one of perseverance and triumph. The son of Judy and Wayne Thomas, Hunter’s story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

Hunter’s life started with a fight. The diagnosis of Tetralogy of Fallot meant that he had a complex combination of heart defects that required immediate medical attention. Thanks to the advancements in medical technology, Hunter received a Medtronic Harmony Pulmonary Heart Valve, which has significantly improved his quality of life. Being the third person to receive this groundbreaking valve at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in 2021, Hunter became a beacon of hope for others facing similar challenges.

However, Hunter’s health struggles did not end with his heart condition. At just 10 months old, he was diagnosed with Necrotizing Colitis, a severe inflammation of the colon. This further tested his resilience and his family’s strength. Hunter underwent numerous surgeries throughout his life, a total of eight since the age of 15. These surgeries were essential in addressing his medical conditions and ensuring his well-being.

One particular aspect of Hunter’s health journey that stands out is his reliance on defibrillators. Hunter is currently on his third defibrillator, which needs to be upgraded every 8-10 years. This emphasizes the ongoing nature of his medical needs and the importance of staying vigilant in managing his condition. Despite these challenges, Hunter remains determined and refuses to let his health define him.

While his health battles have been arduous, Hunter has also found solace and passion in the world of racing. A diehard racing fan, he has attended every Darlington race since 1997. In June 2010, he even had the opportunity to work as a “stringer” for the News & Press, further fueling his passion for the sport. Over the years, Hunter’s love for racing has evolved, leading him to become a NASCAR journalist for the past 13 years.

Hunter’s dedication and expertise have earned him the distinction of being one of the few journalists licensed with a NASCAR Hard Card. This privilege grants him exclusive access to various NASCAR events and has allowed him to forge meaningful connections within the racing community. Hunter’s contributions as a journalist have been invaluable in sharing the stories and experiences of the racing world with fans worldwide.

In the face of adversity, Hunter Thomas continues to demonstrate resilience, passion, and an unwavering determination to overcome obstacles. His journey serves as an inspiration to others facing their own health challenges, showing them that they too can pursue their dreams and find joy in life. Hunter’s love for racing, coupled with his journalistic talent, has allowed him to create a meaningful impact in the world of NASCAR. As he continues to grow in his career, Hunter’s story will undoubtedly inspire others to never give up and chase their passions, no matter the odds they face.

Author: Stephan Drew

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