Lamar Council discusses budget, pets, speeding

By Stephan Drew, Editor

When the Town Council of Lamar met on Monday, May 8, 2023, they discussed funds, recently awarded grants, speeding drivers and wandering dogs.

For the month of April, the Town of Lamar’s General Fund took in $16,763 and disbursed $21,806 but still left the General Fund Balance at $457,212. The Utility Department took in $298,076 and disbursed $308,580, leaving the Utilities Fund Balance at $58,814.

Lamar received a South Carolina Infrastructure Investment Program (SCIIP) grant for $986,626 to be used to completely rebuild the Railroad Pump Station, which is in desperate need of repair. They were slated to receive only $942,338. However, because Lamar has a population of less than 10,000, they were able to receive an additional $44,188. The Town must provide matching funds in the amount of $44,124.

The town budget must be decided and approved by June 30 in time for the new fiscal year, which begins in July. It was reported that the Zion Road Pump Station is approximately 90% complete and construction should be finished by June 1st.

The town also received a State Revolving Fund Grant of $423,652 for additional repairs to the sewage system. Surveying of the entire sanitary sewage system has begun and they are working to identify which areas need the most work. 

Council discussed the increasing number of dogs wandering about town. Mayor and council recommended that the owners keep the animals on a leash and making sure to clean up after your pet, no matter where the dog happens to leave something behind. 

Several council members complained about drivers speeding through neighborhoods and other areas where children play. They speed limit within the town limits are 25-25 mph. Council also discussed neighborhoods coming together and purchasing “speed bumps” to decrease speeding. It was also stated that “Children at Play” signs should be put up as a reminder to visitors in town who may not be aware of the speed limits. 

The next meeting of the Lamar Town Council will be held on Monday, June 12, 2023.

Author: Stephan Drew

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