Let us try to overcome evil with good

By Billy Holland

Many are in a serious battle today with their health, finances, relationships and are being attacked with anxiety, fear and depression. However there is great news! We have been given the hope of restoration and deliverance in Jesus Christ who is the great physician, is absolute truth, and has total authority over all things! The Christian has not been called to change the direction of the world, because many things have already been prophesied, but we have been commissioned to pray and focus on what God is saying for us to do in our own daily network. The Lord knows that rebellion and deception is a runaway train, but He still has very important plans and instructions for His people to accomplish. Romans 12:21 says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” There is much we can do to make the world a better place, but let us remember that the devil’s devices include intimidation and manipulation and is why we must work diligently to develop spiritual discernment. It is time to work while we still have a window of grace, and may we never forget about all who desperately need to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior before it’s too late. Let us not allow the corruption and dishonesty that is happening in the world to distract our heart and conscience away from God’s truth. How many people are backslidden and have fallen away from God in the last year? How many have allowed their love to wax cold and are now living in a spiritually lukewarm existence? Has the virus and the political war had a negative effect on many people’s relationship with Jesus? I’m sure it has. The dark side is looking for anything to pull people away from the light and hope of God’s amazing grace. Yes, we desperately need revival, but not necessarily in a way that uses television and rock bands. God is calling His people to find a quiet place to fall on their face and repent of their apathy. Today is the day to turn away from all the strife, hatred, and frustration, and to realize the media voices are mostly opinions and half-truth’s with the intent to bring stress and discouragement. It’s time for God’s people to realize they are citizens of heaven and political parties and worldly governments should not be at the top of their priority list. We can vote and support causes, but the world is going to choose which master they want to serve and we can do nothing about it. In order to abide with God and be what Jesus died for us to be, we must walk in reverential fear of His holiness and in His love which is the only way to dwell in His peace and joy. “From then on Jesus began to preach, repent of your sins and turn to God, for the kingdom of heaven is near” — Matthew 4:17. Our faith calls for us to develop a relentless passion for being victorious in Christ and this happens when we choose to fight our spiritual battles on our knees. Ephesians 6:12 clearly explains that our warfare is not arguing or attacking people’s ideas in the natural realm, but is centered on private meditation, intimacy, and intercession. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Those who have watched the movie “War Room” realize that fervent prayer from a pure heart accomplishes much. If we refuse to accept that we are accountable to maintain our own spiritual and mental attitude, we will not be in position to reflect His image and nature. Allow me to include that everything we are and all that we can do must be based on our love for God and those around us as our obedience is measured according to the level of our love. Being diligent and faithful will take more than just knowing about what is wrong. We can talk about the world’s problems but are we doing what Christ is saying to do? Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, “Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence is a key to unlocking our potential.” Spiritual battles are not won sleeping on the couch, but rather on the battlefield and being fully clothed and equipped with our spiritual armor which God has graciously provided is our personal responsibility.

Author: Stephan Drew

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