LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Thank you, Darlington: Remembering Sandy Beckham

Samuel “Sandy” Leon Beckham Jr. died suddenly March 24, and his funeral and the celebration of his life Sunday afternoon were a testimony to all the things that are wonderful about living in a small town. The Garden Club, the Methodist Church, the Anglican Church, friends black and white, of all religions and beliefs, banded together to give him a sometimes irreverent but loving send-off. My niece, who had worked for a professional caterer in an upscale suburb of a metropolitan area, said she had never seen any event done better. The flowers and food were absolutely the best, and what a wonderful venue Darlington’s Grand Old Post Office made. Sandy wasn’t a perfect person. We spent over an hour laughing at his foibles Sunday, but the turnout attested to how well loved he was. He realized that the most important thing we can give is often our time. He would take time to listen and make people feel like they were interesting and their stories were meaningful. His memorial service was an amusing collection of tales about the idiosyncrasies of a seemingly ordinary man, but because he was kind, funny and uncritical with people from all walks of life and made them feel amusing and worthwhile, he had an extraordinary impact. The outpouring was how I think God would like to see the world — a place of love, acceptance and forgiveness; people working together. My heart is broken for losing Sandy, but so full for all the love that has been shown for him.

Thank you!

Linda Beckham,

wife of Sandy Beckham,

Darlington, SC

Author: Stephan Drew

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