McLeod Health Pres. Donna Isgett gives Commencement Address, receives Honorary Doctorate

Donna Isgett (second from left), CEO and President of McLeod Health, is pictured with Mr. William W. Coleman, Jr., a Francis Marion University Board of Trustees Member, Dr. Karen Gittings, Dean of the School of Health Sciences, and Dr. Fred Carter, President of FMU, after she was awarded a honorary Doctor of Humanities degree during commencement on May 3.

On Friday, May 3, 2024, Donna Isgett, President and CEO of McLeod Health, delivered the commencement address and received an honorary Doctor of Humanities from Francis Marion University (FMU). During her address, Isgett shared lessons in wisdom for the graduates of the School of Business and School of Health Sciences to take with them into their next step. She reminded the graduates that they should search for meaning in work that is greater than themselves and that they are better together. She also encouraged them to remember that resilience and tenacity matter, and that they should dream big. “Stay tenacious. Stay thirsty for that next step and for the things that can make a meaningful difference. Dream big, but always outwork your dreams. It only comes with work; just the dream won’t make the difference. So dream big, but always outwork your dreams,” said Isgett.

Author: Stephan Drew

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