Once again, Todd Hardee has stepped up to the plate


by Betsy Finklea

In many small towns across the South, the downtown area is struggling and many buildings are in need of a little sprucing up or major repairs, but often the funds or the desire or both are lacking. That’s why it is particularly refreshing when someone like our own coroner, Todd Hardee, takes the initiative and has the vision to see when an old building, such as the old post office, can be renovated and usefully repurposed. Not many people would be willing to take on such a tremendous challenge, but once again Hardee has stepped up to the plate. It was not long ago that Hardee revitalized the old Boatwright house and turned it into one of Darlington’s premier restaurants and now he has done wonders with the old post office turning it into not only a venue where anyone would be proud to host their event, but into a cultural center proudly boasting the history of the Darlington area. Everything in the building has a Darlington flavor or a Darlington story. It is a truly meaningful building that will take one back in time. We commend Hardee for his investment in Darlington and his vision for what Darlington can be and for helping out his fellow Darlingtonians with some extra work during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yes, everyone who worked on the building, save the roof, was from the Darlington County area and that was only because no Darlington County roofers who were able to handle the huge task. We owe a debt of gratitude to Hardee and his family and are sure this renovation will serve as an inspiration to other Darlington and Darlington County building owners to follow in his footsteps. Darlington and Darlington County have great things ahead when our own citizens are willing to invest and do the work. Thank you, Todd Hardee.

Author: Stephan Drew

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