Open your Christmas gift from God

By Pastor Don Squires,

Temple Free Will Baptist Church, Darlington

If you gave me a Christmas present and I never opened it, you would be disappointed in me. It would be a worthless gift, because I don’t receive the benefit of a gift that I never opened. Jesus Christ is God’s Christmas gift to you and me. Yet some of us have gone Christmas after Christmas after Christmas and never opened the best gift of all, God’s gift of salvation. Why would we even celebrate Christmas if we’re not going to open the biggest gift of all? It doesn’t make any sense to leave unwrapped the gift of forgiveness, a purpose for living and a home in Heaven for eternity. It just doesn’t make much sense if you really think about it. God has made a way for you this Christmas to be right with Him, and all you have to do is receive His gift of salvation. The Bible says in Ephesians 2:8: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” By the grace of God we have been given the greatest of all, the gift of salvation. It’s God’s gift to you, open it already. Merry Christmas from our Temple Church family and friends to you!

Author: Stephan Drew

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