Phil Noble introduces running mate in Darlington

Phil Noble, right, introduces his running partner Gloria Bromell Tinubu during a speech at the Darlington County courthouse on May 11. Photo by Melissa Rollins

By Melissa Rollins, Editor,

On May 11 Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Noble stopped in Darlington to introduce his pick for Lieutenant Governor: Gloria Bromell Tinubu.

Tinubu is no stranger to South Carolina politics having run to represent SC Congressional District 7 in 2014, losing to Tom Rice.

“I think what this partnership is about is about two people who have very different backgrounds in one sense, the demographics are different, the family history is different, but we have a united vision of South Carolina,” Noble said. “We both love this state passionately. We both care about the future and we are willing to take risks to try to change South Carolina. Gloria personifies that. She was a native daughter, born and raised here in South Carolina in Plantersville. She got a PhD in Applied Economics from Clemson, a real pioneer. She had a career in politics in Georgia but then came back to South Carolina. She ran for Congress and has been involved in making our region and our state better. She is a woman of energy, passion and concern who is committed to a better South Carolina.”

Noble said that the current system of politics must be changed.

“I am running for governor because I think we need fundamental change and reform in South Carolina,” Noble said. “We’ve got a wonderful state but our politics is corrupt, it’s dysfunctional and it is keeping us from having what we need in terms of a good education system, good roads, secure pensions. The reason is, is there is a group of people in Columbia that are running this state in a system of plantation politics.”

Career politicians have made deals that only helped them and their colleagues, Noble said.

“They get together, Democrats and Republicans in the big house, and they cut the deals,” Noble said.

“They decide what is good for them and their cronies and their friends and the rest of us, they just say here is how it is going to be; tough luck if you don’t like it. We need wholesale reform in this state and that means having reformers who are not part of the system, who are outsiders, but people who have a history, who have skills, a story, a passion; a love for this state.”

Tinubu said that being chosen as candidate for Lt. Governor was an honor.

“I am honored that you selected me to be your running mate from an outstanding fields of candidates,” Tiubu said. “I’m honored because Phil’s campaign reflects his lifelong commitment to standing up for our Democratic ideals and fighting for big change, real reform, right now; not later but right now. Some of those Democratic values that Phil cares about are:
• He believes in equal opportunity for all and privileges for none
• Government of, for and by the people and not of the special interests
• He believes that every working person should have the right to a living wage that they can take care of themselves and their family
• Phil stands with women like us, the 2.4 million in South Carolina, who will not be silenced, as we demand equal pay for equal work
• Phil knows that our state is in desperate need of sustainable economic development, particularly in our rural areas where our schools, our infrastructure, healthcare, broadband, transportation and access to the basic necessities are woefully inadequate
• Phil has a vision for South Carolina, for a new South Carolina, where a government is reformed from the top down, where we can create an environment where every citizen can have equal opportunities to create the kind of future they want for themselves, their families and their communities.

Unfortunately, that kind of vision for the future is not present in our present-day legislature.”

Supporting the Noble/Tinubu ticket in Darlington were Darlington Mayor Gloria Hines, City Councilwomen Elaine Reed and Sheila Baccus, Darlington County Auditor Margaret Rogers and Linda Byrd Spearman, candidate for SC House District 62.

The Primary for the Gubernatorial Race will take place June 12. The candidates are:
• Kevin Bryant (R)
• Yancey McGill (R)
• Henry McMaster (R)
• Catherine Templeton (R)
• John Warren (R)
• Phil Noble (D)
• James Smith (D)
• Marguerite Willis (D)

Author: Stephan Drew

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