School Board approves G.O. Bond

By Stephan Drew, Editor

The Darlington County School District Board of Education convened on August 14, 2023, for a pivotal meeting that addressed a range of topics critical to the district’s present and future. Among the noteworthy discussions and decisions, one stood out — the plea by concerned citizen Dora Baccus to preserve the historic Rosenwald High School and campus, which had recently closed its doors.

Dora Baccus emphasized the importance of retaining the Rosenwald High School and its campus as a testament to the rich educational heritage of the community. Baccus highlighted the school’s historical significance, serving as a symbol of African American educational progress during the era of segregation. 

The School Board, recognizing the importance of this issue, expressed their commitment to exploring options for preserving the Rosenwald High School and its campus. While no concrete decisions were made during this meeting, it was evident that the board was genuinely interested in finding a sustainable solution to honor the history and legacy of the school.

In addition to addressing the preservation of historical landmarks, the School Board tackled other crucial matters. They approved a policy amendment that will provide school nurses with additional information about students with medical conditions during field trips. This decision reinforces the district’s commitment to student safety and ensures that those responsible for students’ well-being have access to the necessary medical information.

Another significant decision made during the meeting was the approval of the Resolution for the 2023 General Obligation Bond, totaling $9.5 million. These funds are earmarked to support the implementation of the 2023-24 district-wide facilities maintenance plan. This investment underscores the board’s dedication to maintaining safe and conducive learning environments for all students.

The meeting also provided an opportunity for the board to delve into the district’s long-term vision, as they discussed the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan. This comprehensive five-year plan outlines the district’s goals and priorities for the foreseeable future. It was evident that board members were keen on ensuring the plan’s success by discussing mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating its progress.

Some board members expressed a desire for closer scrutiny of the plan’s outcomes. They emphasized the importance of not only setting ambitious goals but also rigorously assessing whether these goals were being met and, if not, understanding the reasons behind any shortfalls. This commitment to accountability ensures that the district remains responsive to the evolving needs of its students and community.

Author: Stephan Drew

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