Southern 500 Golf Tournament kicks of Race Week

Darlington International Raceway President Kerry Tharp swings for the Tee-Off at the Southern 500 Invitational Golf Tournament on Friday, August 25, 2023, at the Darlington Country Club. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Since 1965, the Southern 500 Invitational Golf Tournament has served as the “starting gun” to officially kick off Race Week festivities and, the Darlington Country Club has hosted the event since its inception. This morning, a crowd of golfing teams gathered to play in this longstanding traditional competition. After Country Club owner Timmy Huntley welcomed everyone, Darlington County Coroner J. Todd Hardee delivered heartfelt opening remarks and told a little about the history of the club and the tournament. The crowd then watched Darlington International Raceway Kerry Tharp start the tournament with his official tee-off at Hole #1 (nicknamed “The Hole Too Tough to Tame”). He shot it straight down the line and the tournament commenced. Here he is, watching his line drive. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Darlington Country Club proudly hosted the Southern 500 Invitational Golf Tournament on Friday, August 25, 2023. Darlington International President Kerry Tharp gave the honorary Tee-Off to start the tournament. Pictured here (L-R): Jim Vernon (Gen. Mgr. of Darlington Country Club), Darlington County Coroner J. Todd Hardee, Raceway Pres. Kerry Tharp and Timmy Huntley, Owner of the Darlington Country Club. PHOTO BY STEPHAN DREW

Author: Stephan Drew

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