State offers online list of S.C.’s top delinquent taxpayers

Beginning now, the South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) is publishing online lists of South Carolina’s top delinquent individual and business taxpayers.
The lists are a refresh of the SCDOR’s Debtors’ Corner which publicly listed the state’s top tax debtors for years.
Each of the current delinquent taxpayers is in tax lien status, making these debts public information. The SCDOR is publishing the names to provide transparency, fairness, and accountability.
The lists, which can be viewed at, will be updated quarterly. Many states publish similar lists.
“While the vast majority of taxpayers are compliant with our tax laws, this is aimed at the small percentage who are not,” SCDOR Director Hartley Powell said. “We are committed to taking action against taxpayers who knowingly avoid paying these debts, so we can protect the taxpayers who do comply.”
Collectively, the hundreds of listed business and individual delinquent taxpayers owe $119 million in taxes. Individual tax debt on the list ranges from a low of $94,373 to a high of $2.6 million. Business tax debt on the list ranges from a low of $131,030 to a high of nearly $2.8 million.
Before these names are published, the SCDOR has exhausted efforts to collect these debts. The agency has sent letters, called, and/or made personal contact in an attempt to help these taxpayers comply.
What debt is excluded from the lists:
Those who have filed for bankruptcy protection.
Debtors who have made payment arrangements with SCDOR.
Any debt in the SCDOR’s GEAR or Setoff Debt programs.

Author: Stephan Drew

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