The Florence County Museum Opens Exhibition of Antebellum Portraiture by South Carolina Artist William Harrison Scarborough

William Harrison Scarborough was likely the most prolific portraitist in South Carolina during the 19th century. He is known to have created at least 600 portraits from 1836 to 1871.

His reputation is usually credited by the numerous images he created of South Carolina’s politicians, like John C. Calhoun. Although much is known of the artworks he produced while living in Columbia, SC from around 1845 to 1871, less discussion is made about his prior life and work in the Pee Dee.

Scarborough lived in Darlington, SC from around 1838 to 1845. He was advertising his professional skills in Cheraw as early as 1836.

Revisited: The Early Portraiture of William Harrison Scarborough, on exhibit at the Florence County Museum, showcases the artist’s Darlington period as the foundation upon which his later success was built. The exhibition features 22 artworks by Scarborough, including a rare self-portrait and one of few documented miniature portraits on ivory.

“This exhibit is the first of its kind in South Carolina in nearly fifty years. The last was held at the old Florence Museum building in 1969 and was only open for 20 days,” said museum curator, Stephen W. Motte. The current exhibit is on view through February 24, 2019.

Author: Stephan Drew

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