Two Darlington High School athletes sign with local colleges

Lillie Baumbach, daughter of Samantha and John Baumbach, recently signed a letter of intent to play softball with Florence-Darlington Technical College’s Lady Stingers. Baumbach will play outfield under FDTC head coach Heber Watson. She plans to pursue an associate in science degree and become a radiologist. Baumbach played softball in Darlington from 7-12th grade, taking home a Golden Glove Award in 2015, 2016 and 2017. She also received the Columbia College Award for academics.

“I chose to go (to Florence-Darlington Tech) because of the opportunity to continue to play the sport I love and gain a quality education to begin my life dreams.”

Avery Williamson, son of Dana and Joe Williamson, recently signed a letter of intent to play tennis at Francis Marion University. He will play under head coach Garth Thompson. He plans to study nursing to eventually become a nurse, along with coaching tennis. Williamson was named MVP twice while playing at Darlington, receiving both the most improved award and the coach’s award; he also received the Region Player of the Year Award and the All-Region Award twice. Academically, Williamson was named to the Honor Roll every quarter in his high school career, was a Junior Marshall and Student of the Month, also receiving a school Pride Referral.

“(Francis Marion) is local and has an excellent nursing program,” Williamson said. “The campus is beautiful and it seems like it will suit me well.”

Photos by Melissa Rollins

Author: Duane Childers

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